
Potterton EP1 Programmer

The Potterton EP1 is a single channel programmer capable of 1 day, 5/2 day, and 7 day programming. It is a direct replacement for the following older Potterton models: Potterton EP4000, EP4002 and the EP5002. If you need something with twin channels, and with the ability to control both the hot water and central heating [EP1 7211472 only controls central heating], there is the EP2, and that is known to be a direct replacement for these models: EP2000, EP2001, EP2002, EP3002 and EP6002.






The installation for most systems upgrading from one of the older models should be very easy. Basically a straight swap for the large majority of users. Both models come complete with a backplate should you want to replace the whole unit rather than leave the old backplate in place. But if you manage to purchase an EP1 used / second hand and it comes with the unit only, the existing back-plate for the models mentioned above can be used.


Some of the features for the Potterton EP1 include:


  • Large easy to read blue digital display
  • 1 day, 5/2 day, and 7 day programming
  • Up to 3 different on / off timing schedules per day
  • Can be used with fully pumped or gravity fed systems
  • Manual override function
  • Option of timed, on, off and once settings
  • Internal backup battery protects settings for 24 hours against power outages
  • Advance mode
  • Extend option


Overall, the EP1 is a good basic digital programmer for controlling central heating. Sadly the user manual and Installation guides for the EP1 are hard to find online in any format such as PDF, be it to read or download. However, the EP1 is very similar to the EP2 in terms of basic controls and operation. So, as an alternative, please refer to the EP2 manual instead, which is much easier to obtain. The EP2 manual can be found here on freeboilermanuals.com.